Friday, April 27, 2012

Avalon through the Roof

If you guys haven't heard about Avalon yet, that's like saying I've never heard of Celestia, despite me being level 70. Go check it out. Link to Combat music below:

Anyway, with Avalon being MUCH harder than Zafaria, I've been working on an Uber pet, or a really good pet that specifically bnenefits the Ice School. I'm thinking of trying to get my hands on an Aqua Dragon. If any of you know someone who has an Aqua Dragon, plz, don't hesitate to contact me at, I will not neccisarily respond right away, but if you send me an email with the name of someone who has an Aqua Dragon, plz try to set up a meeting place and time with them so I can hatch my Wendigo with them. I really want an Aqua Dragon with Spritely and Spell Proof.

Anyway, Avalon draws its origins from Artorian and Celtic legends. Morganthe has reclaimed her Deck of Shadows, and is now on a quest to trick the king of Avalon, while the Character is on a quest to reclaim the mystical artifact called The Sword of Kings, the only thing that can stand up ot Morganthe's Deck of Shadows. When the character reaches the king, it is too late and Morganthe has tricked him into putting a fern crown instead of a gold one on his head, turning him into a Pendragon, which cheats in combat. But Avalon, if the rumors hold true, comes from test today, I can't wait.

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