Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Yar, hello again from the Spiral

I feel humiliated to say it, but here it comes, I'm almost too busy to play Wizard101 OR Pirate101 anymore. My parents are harping on me to do my homework, and with me being in the Marching Band for my high school, i'm almost too busy. But I'm not out of the race YET! This old wizard has got some energy left, and I'll continue to post on my blog from time to time, but I won't be doing it as often as I should.

I started Pirate101 and made a Buccaneer. He's level three as of right now, but i'm going to work on him a bit. I made level 78 in Wizard101 and now have my Wolly Mammoth pet.

If you live near Boise, Idaho, I expect you to be at Boise State University this coming saturday to watch my marching band THE Kuna Gold, perform our show for the last time this season. Our step-off time is 3:15-3:30. Be there early. I'm the ONLY boy flute player, so it shouldn't be to hard to find me.



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