Galactic Academy Enrollment/Staff Hireing

"In the event of a ward emergency, place the vest over your head, then kiss your ------ goodbye."
                                                                                                               -Private, Madagascar 2

Such can only be true for so long, and the council of light can't hold off Morganthe and her minions forever, that is why, I've decided to start my own school of magic called Galactic Academy. Once I remember to redeem the Dino Bundle my aunt bought me for Xmas, I will move out of my Sun Palace and get the school expansion started. The enrollment sheet hasn't been made up yet, but ultimately, it is just going to state what school you are, and why you wish to attend Galactic.

If you wish to be a Staff member, we require staff for the following areas:
Pet Training/Tutoring
PvP Tutors(see note at botttom marked by **)**
and Moon.

I will have a different sheet for the staff members. I will eventually hold an open house so you can all see the school.

Thank you for your interests in Galactic, and we hope you enjoy your stay.

Patrick EmeraldPyre
Level 80 Ice/Life/Star/Sun wizard
Headmaster, Galactic Academy

**If you wish to be a PvP/Dueling tutor, there will be an additional sheet for you to fill out in addition to the normal staff sheet, as well as a required display of power out in the feild.

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