Monday, April 2, 2012

Chapter 2:Star Swept Seas

Chapter 2

“AIEHHHHHH!!” shouted Captain Fogg “What’s with all the colossi?!” “The guide book calls them ‘Rubble Rousers’ and they are drawn to destruction,” said one of the crew who, like Fogg, had wandered back to the smoldering airship to see what could be salvaged.
          “Well,” said Fogg, exasperated, “GET RID OF THEM!!!” he shouted. “Aye-aye Cap’n,” said the crew. For 15 minutes, the crew ran around in an attempt to herd the colossi and shoo them off. They had no such luck. “Ugh,” said Captain Fogg, “Let me try.”
          Fogg pulled the sword out of the sheath on his hip. Black bolts of electricity arced down his sword as the captain’s eyes flashed briefly black. A black ball of mana flew near the herd of colossi that crew had made. The ball opened a hole in the ground and instantaneously, black spiders poured out of the hole, swarming the Rubble Rousers and causing the crew to run back toward Capt. Fogg. “That should do it,” said Fogg.
          But as soon as he spoke, more colossi poured out of the surrounding jungle, heading right for Capt. Fogg and the crew. “AHHHHHHHHH!!” shouted Fogg “EVASIVE MANUVERS!!” The crew scattered in an attempt to evade the colossi that were now pouring out of the jungle. “HEAD FOR THE WATER MOLE VILLAGE!!” someone from the crew shouted.
          The group of Marlybonians ran through the jungle toward the water mole village. They soon came across the village where some Water moles were running around. They also saw some of the crew members there, hauling boxes full of supplies toward a nearby beach. “Ah, there you are, Captain Fogg,” said Scientist Pierce Stanson, snapping a quick solute in Capt. Fogg’s direction. “Where’s Capt. Plunkett?” asked Fogg. “I couldn’t tell you where he is,” said Pierce, “about halfway to the village, he disappeared. Edith is down at the beach, building an underwater elevator to the primary dome where the Spiral door is.”
           The Spiral Door opened and the group of wizards found themselves in a lush, vibrant and colorful underwater realm. “Wow,” said Justin Shadowblade, Grandmaster Conjurer, “I’ve never seen anything like this before.” “It is pretty amazing,” replied Fallon Deathslinger, Grandmaster Diviner, or Storm Wizard.
          The group of wizards didn’t get far into the primary dome when they heard the whirring sound of an underwater elevator. “What’s that sound?” asked Nicholas Lionrider, Grandmaster Pyromancer. “Sounds like the Marleybonian researchers are coming down,” replied Stephen.
          Sure enough, Edith Benchley, head engineer of the expedition to Celestia, was ordering people around. “You there, don’t let that nail drop in the sand or it will be lost forever. And, hey, what are you doing over there with that shove-” Edith stopped short in her sentence. The researcher with the shovel had unearthed 3, not 1, not 2, but 3, spell trainers out from under the ocean floor. “Jiminy Christmas!” shouted Edith, “Are those what I think they are?” “I believe so,” said Patrick, stepping forward. “Oh! Are you from Wizard City or any other world?” asked Edith. “Yes! Halston Balestrom from Ravenwood School of Magical Arts got Sir Thurston Plunkett’s distress call and sent us after we got the Spiral Key to Celestia,” Stephen explained. “Well good. Sir Thurston Plunkett, the expedition’s leader, mysteriously disappeared when we were on ‘The Floating Land’ if memory serves,” Edith explained. “Wait, the what land?” Leesha asked. “Oh never mind, it doesn’t matter. Follow me; I think you might want to investigate these strange things over here that my colleague has dug up.
          The group waddled over to the spell trainers that he Marleybonian researcher had dug up. “According to the guide book that our Second-in-Command, Captain Fogg, keeps, the Celestians created and practiced three kinds of magic called Star, Sun, and Moon,” Edith explained, “So you might be able to train magic from the spell trainers you see here.”
Patrick approached the Astral School trainer directly to the left of the ramp leading to the barrels. As he approached, the rods of metal lying on top of the barrel began to swirl around the top of it and form the shape of a Star. Patrick very gently touched the metal star hovering over the barrel and his eyes and mind glowed a slight pinkish color. When images started to flood into his mind, he couldn’t pull his hand away. The images taught him about the Magic of Stars and how to use it to his advantage. When he was done, the images stopped and he backed away from the spell trainer.  “Patrick!” exclaimed Fallon, “Are you ok?” “Fine,” he replied. “Edith, is there anything we can do to help you regain your footing here in Celestia?” Wolf asked. “Why yes,” she said, handing Nick, who had just finished with the Moon School Trainer, a sheet of paper. “Could you go to the Survey Camp and talk to Dalton Prescott and try to find our expedition leader, Sir Thurston Plunkett?” Edith asked. “Sure,” said Nick, looking rather pleased with himself, “We will do what we can.”
As the group of wizards headed for the tunnel to the survey camp, Edith called out “ALSO! WATCH OUT FOR MORGANTHE AND HER SERVANTS!” “Oh great,” said Justin, “I do so enjoy sharing world with Morganthe.” “We really don’t have a choice if we expect to save the spiral again,” replied Fallon.
When our heroes arrived on the scene at the Survey Camp, things were in chaos. Crustaceans were menacing the Marleybonian researchers in the camp. “Ugh,” said Stephen, “Edith didn’t say anything about crabs.” “These guys are defiantly too big to be in my next sushi roll,” commented Leesha.
The wizards ran around and battled the crabs in an attempt to get them away from the crew, and after many failed attempts, they were finally able to chase the crustaceans away. “Phew,” said Dalton Prescott, walking up to the group of wizards “That was intense.” “Yes, it was. Edith Benchley sent us here to see if we could help,” replied Fallon D. “Well of course you can help. We are missing some of the crew members. Do you think you could find them and bring them back here so we can continue our research?” Dalton asked. “Sure,” said Fallon M. “Also, we need to recover our bottles of sealant from the crustacean warriors that just ran through here or this dome will lose air pressure and eventually we won’t be able to breathe or the dome itself will collapse, whichever comes first,” Dalton said. “Ok let’s split up then,” said Patrick, “Fallon M, Stephen, and Nicholas, come with me and we’ll see if we can find the crew, the rest of you, see if you can recover the bottles of sealant that Prescott needs,” said Patrick in an authoritative, yet soft tone. The other wizards knew that when Patrick used that tone, what he said was either done or he was not going to be happy when it was all over with.

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